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오슈 시를 비롯 이와테 현내 뿐만 아니라 광역의 명물을 갖춘 매점입니다. 꼭 들려보시기 바랍니다.
영업시간/ 24시간
마에사와 휴게소 하행선 매점은 외국인 관광객을 위한 소비세 면세 점포입니다.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 도보 11분
The temple was founded by Jikaku Daishi in 850. Later, Kiyohira, founder of the Ōshu Fujiwara clan, built a flourishing temple there, with more than 40 pagodas and housing in excess of 300 monks. In addition to being designated a special historic site by Japan, it was registered in 2011 as a World Heritage Site. It is a treasure trove of Heian-period Buddhist art and houses over 3000 national treasures and important cultural properties, such as the Issaikyo Sutra written in gold and silver on dark blue paper, and the Keman (pendent ornament for Buddhist-sanctuary) in gilt bronze.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 7분
Continuing in the spirit of Kiyohira, the founder of the Ōshu Fujiwara clan who built Chusonji Temple, the second- and third-generation successors Motohira and Hidehira built Motsuji Temple. The Pure Land garden, with Ōizumigaike Pond at its center, as well as a Heian-style temple hall have been reconstructed, and the temple has been designated both a special historic site and a special place of scenic beauty, as well as being registered as a World Heritage site.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 11분
This site is a cave where the deity Bishamonten is enshrined, in commemoration of Sakanoue Tamuramaro’s conquest of the Emishi people. The entire site is designated a historic site, and the Heian-period Joroku Fudomyoo Statue (designated a prefectural cultural property) and the Ganmen Daibutsu (said to be the northernmost carved stone buddha in Japan) must be seen.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 15분
Genbikei Gorge was carved out by the Iwai River, which flows from Mt. Kurikoma into Ichinoseki City. Designated a national site of natural scenic beauty, the gorge’s dynamic scenery, which spans 2 kilometers, awes all who come visit.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 39분
The Geibikei Gorge, which is counted among Japan’s 100 most scenic locations, is a 2 kilometer long gorge which the Satetsu River carved out into the local limestone. The boat rides, for which the Geibikei Gorge is famous, allow visitors to enjoy a beautiful and relaxing time.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 1시간 24분
This tree stands as a symbol of recovery after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. It alone remains among a grove of black and red pines completely washed away by the tidal wave.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 1시간 50분
The Hashino Iron Mining and Smelting Site, registered a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015 as part of a group of industrial heritage sites, is the remains of Japan’s oldest western-style blast furnace, built under the leadership of Ōshima Takato, the father of modern iron production in Japan.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 47분
Established in 1982, the Miyazawa Kenji Museum was renovated in 2015. Museum visitors can experience Miyazawa’s world of “Ihatov” through informative exhibits, explorations of Miyazawa’s creative process, and presented findings from today’s leading scholarship.
히라이즈미 레스트 하우스에서 차로 35분
Kitakamitenshochi is one of the “Three Great Cherry Blossom Sites of Michinoku” and is also designated one of the Japan’s top 100 cherry blossom locations. It boasts 10,000 cherry trees and 100,000 rhododendrons, delighting the eyes of all who come visit.